"Hellfire and damnation" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Anthony Cantin

"Hellfire and damnation" = hỏa ngục và kiếp đọa đày -> nghĩa là sự đau đớn phải trải qua dưới địa ngục.

Ví dụ
My older brother joined him shortly thereafter and after years of living with the threat of hellfire and damnation, my mother joined as well.

The film ignores the famous so-called “secrets” of Fatima. It doesn’t even bother to show how the famous shrine was constructed and how thousands of believers make the pilgrimage (cuộc hành hương) to Fatima every year. As to the more profound theological matters, particularly the reverence in which Mary is held by the Church and concerns surrounding hell and damnation, the film sidesteps them completely, although they would be of great interest to most viewers.

Unfortunately, much of Christian witness, evangelism (sự truyền bá phúc âm), and outreach over the tragic two-thousand-year history of the church has ignored this vital scriptural check on Christian expression. Sadly, far too many who have professed a belief in Christ have demonstrated their fidelity (trung tín) in Christ through expressions of dominance, control, judgment, and outright hatred. Rather than embracing Christ’s love and grace toward the world in dire need of the redemption of the Cross, Christians have turned the Cross into a hammer that beats souls down into shameful, guilt-ridden obedience to doctrine (học thuyết, chủ nghĩa) and ritual out of a fear that hellfire and damnation will result if strict adherence to religious dogma (tín điều) is not supported.

Ka Tina

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