"High jinks" nghĩa là gì?

"High jinks" -> nghĩa là trêu đùa (vui vẻ) người khác.

Ví dụ
Kids who get into high jinks, but their high school experience really doesn’t go any deeper than pranking (trêu đùa) their principal and their actions don’t have any real consequences.

Romance stories often hinge on (xoay quanh) the happily ever after. Readers of the genre push through miscommunications and high jinks to get to that final kiss or “I do.”

Coming from a large family, Peggy had three surviving, who she adored (yêu quý), Joyce Freeman of Southport and Glenda Bell and Sara Smith, both of Wilmington. She also loved her sister-in-law, Marian Clewis of Wilmington. Lots of laughter and high jinks always occurred when this bunch met…usually over food.

Characters like Spanky and Alfalfa, and the high jinks they got caught up in, became instantly (lập tức) recognizable to legions of fans.

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