"I have nothing to declare but my genius" nghĩa là gì?

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"I have nothing to declare but my genius" -> nghĩa là 'tôi không có gì để khai báo ngoài thiên tài của mình'; đây là câu nói của Oscar Wilde tại Custom Control ở New York, năm 1882.

Ví dụ
As when he said “I am so clever that sometimes I don’t understand a single word that I am saying”; or , his simple statement (lời tuyên bố) to the American Customs official, upon arrival in New York, that : “I have nothing to declare but my genius”. The compilations of the sayings he left behind for posterity (hậu thế) are often fondly called “Oscariana.”’

'I have nothing to declare but my genius': a consideration of special contributions (cống hiến) in Robertson v Robertson - are such arguments dead, disguised (che giấu) or revived (hồi sinh)?

From the Morrissey solo album Kill Uncle in 1991, this is a another brilliant parody of the Oscar Wilde quote “I have nothing to declare but my genius”, a quip (châm biếm) the writer is reported to have given to customs officers on his arrival in New York in 1882.

"I have nothing to declare but my genius," reads the banner (băng rôn), written in Italian with a picture of Balotelli. The banner is displayed (trình bày) below the scoreboard at Anfield. Balotelli posted an image of the banner, writing alongside it: "I have nothing to declare except my genius? Wow thanks to whoever did this. I know all of you expect more from me .. More goals especially and more "genius" but give me time and I'll show is true."

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