"Jerry built" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by BASIL ANAS on Unsplash

"Jerry built" -> nghĩa là xây dựng vội vàng, bằng vật liệu kém.

Ví dụ
The more striking among them, especially Jasmine Hearn, commanded attention, but connections between sections and performers seemed awfully jerry-built and unimaginative (không sáng tạo), with ensemble bits on the order of “now everybody freeze in a pose.” Live doesn’t automatically equal amazing.

The ubiquitous (có ở khắp nơi) jerry-built cabins and corrugated (nhăn nheo) plexiglass outdoor dining shanties, some remarkably elaborate, had in the coolest months been frequented only sparsely, by those with high tolerance for the cold. Now it is hard to get a table.

In Distant Journey, Terezin is a process: One line enters the camp as the dead are carried out on another line. It’s also a nightmare (ác mộng). Space is incoherent (rời rạc), impossibly claustrophobic (nỗi sợ giam giữ). The interiors are jerry-built. Obstructed views and enigmatic missions add to the incomprehensibility. 

Macron, with his new jerry-built party, La République en Marche, won the presidency with 17 million votes, which included those of many left wingers hoping to block a far-right victory.

Ngọc Lân

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