"Long on one thing and short on another" nghĩa là gì?

"Long on (something) and short on (something else)" = cái ngắn cái dài -> nghĩa là không cân bằng, không đồng đều, chênh lệch lớn.

Ví dụ
"This conviction resulted from a process long in duration, long on accusation, long on drama and short on evidence," Bevin wrote in a Dec.

The 48-hour history of European soccer’s long-discussed, hastily arranged, belatedly announced, much-derided and quickly abandoned Super League was short on chapters but long on drama.

Wahlberg thriller 'Infinite' short on sense, long on wild action. Paramount+ action title won't win any awards for coherence (tính mạch lạc, liên kết), but hey, is that a car chase inside of a police station?

Ka Tina

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