"Lost-and-found badge" nghĩa là gì?

"Lost-and-found badge" = huy hiệu mất và thấy -> nghĩa là thẻ nhận dạng được các binh sĩ đeo trên dây quanh cổ.

Ví dụ
Many of the bones are blackened and eerily the soldier's leather boots remain intact - still with the laces tied tight. Frustratingly what's missing is the lost-and-found badge.

In 2015, workers renovating a Verdun war memorial unearthed three skeletons. After hours of searching, a lost-and-found badge was found - but there was no guarantee it belonged to the remains.

For months, Fremont has searched for clues as to the lost-and-found badge, whose remains were found in March by workmen resurfacing a road. He admits he has all but lost hope as a DNA test is useless without a known relative to compare against.

Ka Tina

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