"Love that dare not speak its name" nghĩa là gì?

"Love that dare not speak its name" = tình yêu không dám gọi tên -> nghĩa là tình yêu đồng giới.

Ví dụ
If you're a man, loving a cat is truly the love that dare not speak its name. If we love a cat, we men, we lie about it. "Oh, yeah," we say. "My wife has a cat." Then, we go home, take off our work boots (giày) and lie on the couch, and then cat lies down next to us, and we rub (xoa) his belly until we both drift off for a nap.

He appears for the first time in Justice R.F. Nariman’s ruling, albeit (mặc dù) with reference to a line from a poem by his lover, Lord Alfred Douglas: “The love that dare not speak its name."

In the 19th century, Lord Alfred Douglas famously talked about the ‘love that dare not speak its name’. But in the 20th century, we were still ‘the love that dare not show its face’. Real lesbians have a very long history of exclusion and erasure, and because I couldn’t find authentic and affirming images, I became determined (cống hiến) to make visible what was invisible. 

Wilde’s treatment threw a harsh spotlight on homosexuality laws. The playwright was brought to trial for his homoerotic (đồng tính) writings and relationship with Lord Alfred Douglas, who penned the phrase: “I am the love that dare not speak its name”.

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