"Lunatic fringe" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Jade Masri on Unsplash

"Lunatic fringe" có lunatic là điên cuồng, mất trí, fringe là mép, rìa, bên lề -> cụm từ này nghĩa là thành phần cực đoan quá khích (trong một tổ chức, tôn giáo).

Ví dụ
People like Ramdev are probably the lunatic fringe of the Hindutva brigade (tổ chức) that is often talked about. But it is undeniable that his advice on several matters pertaining (gắn liền với) to issues of health are followed with great reverence by many Indians.

Refusing to disavow the lunatic fringe who insist that the 2020 election was stolen through wholesale voter fraud (lừa đảo)? Lacking the courage to act on principle lest (sợ rằng) they antagonize (phản kháng) their Donald Trump supporters? 

While Trump still maintains (duy trì) a tight grip on the party, his departure from office diminishes his value (giá trị) as a target of opportunity for Democrats, who’ve turned to the lunatic fringe conspiracy (âm mưu) theories of first term Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene as evidence the Republican Party is controlled by its most radical elements and can’t be entrusted with Congressional majorities.

Not because of some conspiracy in the SEC, or because Florida and Alabama cheat, or because of any other lunatic fringe idea floating (trôi nổi) around on Big Orange social media.

Ngọc Lân

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