"Make fish of one and fowl of another" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Reidar Veroft

"Make fish of one and fowl of another" = người này là cá, người kia là gà -> nghĩa là ưu ái người/vật này hơn người/vật khác, thường theo kiểu phân biệt đối xử.

Ví dụ
At home, his father would talk about making fish of one and fowl of another at work, and Larin could not help but see the struggles of friends and family.

The report showed that the policies are being applied to make fish of one and fowl of another against Uyghurs and other religious and ethnic minority (dân tộc thiểu số) groups.

“When you look at our residential and lending patterns, we are a century behind where we need to be…The bias in our markets is not a bug but a feature. They were built that way and intended to make fish of one and fowl of another. They will continue to do so until we make systemic and cultural changes,”

Ka Tina

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