"Marital aid" nghĩa là gì?

"Marital aid" = hỗ trợ hôn nhân -> nghĩa là đồ chơi tình dục.

Ví dụ
"But right on top of everything was a big, purple USED marital aid (the one named after a prolific (mắn đẻ) hare (con thỏ) favoured by the SATC girls in the noughties). "I'm mainly annoyed because that's just gross and it was in the recycling. You can't recycle that or even if you can, you definitely shouldn't.

The dild in question is called ‘Sir John Phallustiff’ – a reference to Sir John Falstaff, a lecherous (dâm đãng) knight from a few of Shakespeare’s plays. It’s also a Cyberpunk 2077 iconic weapon – which means you can upgrade it throughout the game; even as you level up, your generously sized marital aid should always be by your side.

Thompson was quick to recognize how well the marital aid plays into the classic porno trope involving a pizza delivery guy and a lack of funds to pay for the said pizza. 

A noted psychology professor at Northwestern who's no stranger to controversy (tranh cãi) or unique teaching practices is being defended by NU officials and students for an after-class demonstration of a marital aid last week.

Ngọc Lân

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