"Tête-à-tête" nghĩa là gì?

"Tête-à-tête" -> nghĩa là cuộc trò chuyện riêng tư giữa hai người.

Ví dụ
The spontaneity (tự nhiên), the banter and the informal lunch hour tête-à-têtes of the board room. Will they wither away in the formality of Covid-appropriat recorded proceedings of virtual meetings?

However, something about Letterman’s cool-guy needling and Grodin’s supreme deadpan (vẻ mặt bất dộng) rebuffs made each of their increasingly hostile tête-à-têtes a master class in comedic, passive-aggressive push-and-pull.

That said, other than the jokes, it’s all style. If not in one of the many delightfully bitchy tête-à-têtes with which the film’s bevy (hội chị em) of writers arm Stone and Thompson, Cruella’s in a florid musical montage.

You may find yourself in tears more than once during the characters’ many tête-à-têtes, because the actors and writers imbue (làm thấm đẫm) these conversations with so much realistic emotion.

Ngọc Lân

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