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ông lão Nhật Bản 71 tuổi bị bắt vì gọi 24.000 cú điện thoại phàn nàn chất lượng dịch vụ...

Tokyo police said they took 71-year-old Akitoshi Okamoto into custody last week after he made hundreds of toll-free calls over eight days to the customer service section of major telephone operator KDDI.

But this could be the tip of the iceberg (phần nổi của tảng băng trôi), with media outlets reporting that he made thousands more calls from public pay phones to voice his displeasure with the company and insult (sỉ nhục) customer service staff (nhân viên chăm sóc khách hàng).

"He demanded that KDDI staff come to him to apologize for violating his contract. He also repeatedly hung up his calls immediately after placing them,"

He has been arrested on suspicion of "fraudulent (không trung thực, lừa dối) obstruction of business (cản trở kinh doanh)," 

Tags: japan

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