"Labor hour rate" nghĩa là gì?

"Labor hour rate" -> nghĩa là tiền công lao động theo giờ.

Ví dụ
The common activity bases include the direct (trực tiếp) labor hours and machine hours. Many factories or manufacturing companies prefer to use a direct labor hour rate or machine hour rate to other bases such as percentage of direct material cost, wages or prime cost as mentioned above.

Quality Assurance audits (kiểm toán), Quality Control audits, and Inventory services are available with a minimum of 7 days prior notice and will be billed at $50.00 per labor hour rate, one hour minimum.

​Mike's Service Station performs oil changes for cars. Each oil change has a standard (tiêu chuẩn) time of 0.4 direct labor hours. The standard direct labor hour rate is $ 19.00 per hour.

For services performed by employees of subcontractors (nhà thầu phụ), the proposed rule had included a process under which that labor would be reimbursed (hoàn trả) at actual cost (plus related indirect costs) unless it was included on a list in the prime contract. If it were included on the list, it was to be paid at the labor hour rate.

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