"Shoemaker's son always goes barefoot" nghĩa là gì?

"Shoemaker's son always goes barefoot" = con của thợ đóng giày thường đi chân đất -> nghĩa là gia đình của người có tay nghề, hiểu biết thường là những người cuối cùng được hưởng thành quả của người đó.

Ví dụ
There is the old adage that says “the shoemaker’s son always goes barefoot”. According to the Oxford Reference, it is a proverbial saying from the mid-16th century, meaning that the family of a skilled or knowledgeable person is often the last to benefit from their expertise.

In the same way a shoemaker’s son always goes barefoot and a builder’s house is never built, for some architects (kiến trúc sư) it’s a case of never designing their home quite the way they want it.

They say a shoemaker’s son always goes barefoot. For decades, Colombia’s coffeehouse culture has been somewhat sparse (rải rác). Over the last few years, however, a spate (nổi lên) of new third-wave coffeehouses has emerged — places like Azahar, where you’re served by baristas at a spacious cafe in the Parque de la 93 area after choosing from an array of Colombian beans and brewing methods. 

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