Làm thế nào để từ chối lời mời đám cưới do Covid-19?

cứ nói thật lòng là e ngại vì Covid, người mời sẽ cảm thấy thân thiết hơn, chu đáo nhắc đến mối nguy sức khỏe...
Photo by Orlova Maria on Unsplash.

Dear Dan,

A week ago, a close friend (bạn thân) invited me to a wedding (đám cưới). I really want to join the celebration (hoạt động kỷ niệm), but with the Delta variant (biến chủng) and surge in COVID cases, I’m almost certain I won’t go. I have to tell my friend that I will miss this important day, but I want to do it without seeming judgmental. I’m not sure if I should mention my COVID safety concerns. What’s the most graceful way to decline this invitation?

Saying no to social events can be tough, and people are inclined to provide all kinds of made-up excuses. Your question here is whether it is better to invent a pretext for not showing up, or rather, to explain that you will absent due to COVID concerns (mối e ngại). The short answer is that in this case, it is better to be transparent (dễ hiểu, minh bạch, sáng sủa, trong sáng) and truthful (thật thà, chân thật).

In a recent study, some people were asked to imagine that they were “excuse providers,” rejecting an invitation from a friend. Others were to imagine that they were “excuse receivers” whose invitation was rejected. The “providers” were sometimes asked to decline the invitation because of Covid risks.

The researchers sought to understand how people would feel about turning down invitations, or being turned down, on Covid-related grounds. They found that those making the excuse worried about hurting their friends when they offered pandemic-related justifications. Those receiving the excuse, on the other hand, actually reported feeling closer to the friends who cited concerns about COVID. They appreciated being reminded of the risks and viewed their friends as moral and caring.

Bài trước: Mất cả vui
Tags: marriage

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