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The week-long exercise led by Nasa concluded that catastrophe (thảm họa) would be unavoidable (không thể tránh khỏi), even given six months to prepare (kể cả có 6 tháng để chuẩn bị).

The hypothetical (mang tính giả thuyết) impact scenario (kịch bản tác động), which took place during a planetary defence conference (hội nghị bảo vệ hành tinh) hosted by the United Nations, proved that governments are woefully unprepared for this kind of disaster (thảm họa).

“If confronted with the scenario in real life, we would not be able to launch any spacecraft on such short notice with current capabilities,” the participants said.

The only response to such an event would be to evacuate (di tản, sơ tán) the area before the asteroid hit, however the impact zone was across large parts of North Africa and Europe.

Tags: science


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