"Go badly with" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Mike Throm on Unsplash

"Go badly with" -> nghĩa là đầy rẫy khó khăn, thử thách.

Ví dụ
The problem is the absence (thiếu vắng) of a project. But if things go badly with Koeman, Xavi will be the coach next season. The two roles are compatible, like Alex Ferguson's role at Manchester United.

Luckily, Buddy makes some new friends in the city, including love-interest Jovie, his step-mom Emily and even Walter’s secretary (kế toán), Deb. Even still, things go badly with his father and Buddy seems more lost than ever, but when Santa’s sleigh (xe trượt tuyết) is stranded in New York, Buddy rallies those around him to help Santa and save Christmas!

Another possibility is that they would rather have a mop-up (càn quét) guy who can go 3-4 innings, if things go badly with Houston again. They’d probably want to leave Stiever and Lambert taking their turns starting in the minors for development, so here’s Lopez to do this. It will be interesting to see if Lopez just goes down when Marshall is ready, or if they have a different idea.

Nations like Japan will look to drive a much harder bargain against Britain’s smaller market of 65 million and any deal reached isn’t likely to make up the volumes Britain would lose should things go badly with Europe.

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