Cẩn thận bị dính vào tủ lạnh

các nhà khoa học đang thử nghiệm phương pháp tránh thai cho nam giới sử dụng hạt nam châm cỡ nano ở tinh hoàn... :D
For men looking to avoid getting their partner (bạn gái) pregnant (có thai), there are basically two options — condoms or a vasectomy (thắt ống dẫn tinh). Now, scientists are experimenting with an unlikely third option, magnets (nam châm). A team in China has developed a long-lasting and biodegradable male contraceptive (tránh thai) which uses injections (tiêm) of nanoparticles and magnetic fields (trường điện từ) to keep men from reproducing (sinh sản).

Their study tested this concept on male mice, examining the effectiveness of two different kinds of nanomaterials entering the body. The process involves heating the nanoparticles after magnets help to guide these tiny particles down into the testes (tinh hoàn). Once there, they act as a contraceptive as the heat shrinks the testes and inhibits (ức chế) spermatogenesis (sự sinh tinh).

Heat is no good for sperm

It’s no secret that high temperatures are not good for the health of a man’s sperm. Even a guy’s clothing — such as tight-fitting pants or underwear — can decrease their sperm count

Bài trước: Hư như bí thư
Tags: chinasex


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