Ăn kiêng có gì khó đâu?

chỉ là do "kém tuân thủ" thôi,

các nhà nghiên cứu ở Đại học Otago, New Zealand cho ra đời thiết bị "khóa mồm" để bớt bớt ăn đi... :D, chỉ có húp cháo được thôi :))
Researchers in the U.K. and at the University of Otago in New Zealand say they are fighting the "obesity epidemic" with a new, disturbing device that locks people's jaws shut, forcing them to consume only a liquid diet (ăn các món ăn dạng lỏng). The DentalSlim Diet Control device, as they call it, uses magnetic locking bolts on the upper and lower back teeth that restrict the person wearing it from opening their jaw more than 2 millimeters (mở miệng không quá 2mm).

The device is fitted by a dental professional (chuyên gia nha khoa) and comes with a key to unlock (mở khóa) it, in case of emergency (trong trường hợp khẩn cấp).

University of Otago Health Sciences Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Brunton, the lead researcher of the clinical study described the diet control device as "an effective, safe, and affordable tool for people battling obesity" in a press release. Brunton further claimed, "The main barrier for people for successful weight loss is compliance (tuân thủ)."

The device has been criticized online by people who describe it as a medieval torture device (thiết bị tra tấn thời Trung Cổ) and see it as another tool of medical fatphobia.

Tags: health

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