Hãy sinh con khi đã sẵn sàng

cả hai vợ chồng đều gần 40 tuổi, còn tranh cãi là có nên có con hay không...

  • thử đến nhà bạn có con 1 tuần để quan sát,
  • thử đề nghị nuôi con của bạn 1 tuần,
  • thử như vậy khoảng 10 tuần sẽ biết câu trả lời,
Photo by Christin Noelle on Unsplash.

Dear Dan,

My wife and I are in our late 30s, and we are debating whether or not to have kids. Any advice?

The decision on whether or not to have kids is very complex. It depends on many factors, including your financial situation, your preferences and your relationship with your significant other. So, sadly, I can't provide any direct answer to your question. Obviously, though, this is one of the most important decisions you will ever make—and given its magnitude, you should spend a substantial amount of time trying to get to the bottom of it.

The question about having kids, like many other questions, is all about what you might get from this experience and what you might have to give up. The problem is that before you have kids, it is hard to estimate both the benefits and the costs. So what should you do? You need to try to simulate the kid-experience in order to have a better understanding of what it means and how it would fit you.

For example, why don't you move in for a week with some of your friends who have kids and observe them up close? Next, why don't you offer to take care of some other friends' kids for a week? Then try to expand this exercise and take care of kids of different age groups (don't skip very young kids and teenagers). After 10 weeks of this experiment, you should be in a much better position to figure out if this is for you or not.

If this exercise seems too daunting for you, you probably fall into one of two categories: 1) You're not really interested in an empirical answer to this question. Perhaps you've already made up your mind, and you're not yet ready to admit it. 2) You're too lazy to put the effort into figuring this out. And if that is the case, you probably should not have kids.

Tags: marriage

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