Cách chia tiền lý tưởng khi đi chơi với nhóm bạn

đừng ứng trước, rồi chia ko đều đâu,

cứ thu tiền trước của mọi người rồi thanh toán từ số tiền chung này :)
Dear Dan,

I'm going to an out-of-town concert (buổi hòa nhạc) next month with friends and, as usual, I ended up organizing everything, booking a hotel room and fronting the money (ứng trước tiền). When I've done this with groups in the past, I always end up spending the most on shared expenses, because they are never divided up evenly (chia đều).

Perhaps I'm afraid to ask for large amounts of money, even though these are the true expenses that should be shared by everybody. What can I do to make sure that the bill for this upcoming show is split fairly (chia công bằng)?

This is a question, in part, of how much you care about splitting the expenses evenly and how much responsibility you're willing to take to improve the situation. I assume you're willing to take this responsibility, so I suggest that you collect money from everyone in advance and pay all bills from this pool of money (and add 20% just in case, because we often don't take all contingencies (sự kiện có thể xảy ra hoặc không; sự kiện xảy ra ngẫu nhiên; việc bất ngờ) into account).

This way, everyone will pay the same amount, and bill-splitting will never come up. If there's extra money, keep it for next year, or buy everyone a small gift (món quà nhỏ) to better remember the vacation (kỳ nghỉ).

Tags: skill

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