Nếu buộc phải đi làm về muộn thì bạn nên làm gì?

cầm điện thoại gọi cho mẹ, để người phụ nữ đi đằng trước không sợ hãi...
Dear Dan,

I have sometimes found myself walking behind a woman at night in an unsafe place (nơi không an toàn) and going in the same direction (đi cùng hướng). Even though there is some distance between us, I can feel the doubt and worry in her mind. How do I handle this situation? Should I stop or say something? I have places to be, too, but clearly I don't want the woman to feel unsafe.

Simply pick up your cell phone and call your mother. In the world of suspicion (nghi ngờ), nobody who calls his mother at night could be considered a negative individual.

Tags: skill

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