4 mẹo để giải quyết căng thẳng khi làm việc ở nhà

  • dành riêng khoảng thời gian rời màn hình máy vi tính, điện thoại,
  • trang trí xung quanh những thứ khiến mình vui vẻ như cây cảnh...
Dear Dan,

For the past year, I have been working from home (làm ở nhà). To help with work-related stress (căng thẳng do công việc), I have started doing meditation (thiền) and gratitude journaling (ghi chép những điều khiến mình biết ơn). What are other strategies that I can use?

Working from home has some clear advantages (lợi thế), such as no commuting (không phải di chuyển), but it also comes with unique distractions (xao lãng), such as interruptions (gián đoạn) from a family member (thành viên gia đình). Working from home also has increased our reliance on digital communication tools, which in turn can contribute to a perception of work overload from having to feel available at any time. We all need to disconnect and distract ourselves sometimes. Research has shown that taking definitive breaks from the digital environment (môi trường số), or surrounding yourself with pleasing objects like plants, can be very helpful to reduce the stress.

Tags: work

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