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bệnh viện quân đội china cách vũ hán 1,6km đã điều trị bệnh nhân covid-19 ba tuần trước khi công bố chính thức với thế giới rồi...

The bombshell study found the "cluster" of four Covid cases were recorded in Wuhan on

December 10, 2019.

It completely undermines China's official narrative that the first time the virus was reported was on December 27 - and they warned the world on December 31.

The paper authored by Dr Steven Quay suggests the Chinese government knew about the spread of the deadly bug much sooner than first thought.

Dr Quay's study claims four patients with suspected Covid were treated at the General Hospital of Central Theater Command of People's Liberation Army (PLA) in Wuhan weeks before the official announcement.

It is based on patient records and biospecimen data which indicates samples from Covid patients as early as December 10.

Tags: china

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