"Credit crunch" nghĩa là gì?

"Credit crunch" -> nghĩa là 'thắt chặt tín dụng'.

Ví dụ
The low interest (lợi nhuận) rate environment created and sustained by governments and central banks around the world post the 2008 credit crunch has seen asset prices steadily (ổn định) rise. Clients of many advisers have seen their portfolios and house prices rise and rise – despite the Covid mini crash.

Rising from the ashes (tro tàn) of the credit crunch, peer-to-peer (mạng đồng đẳng) securities lending has opened doors for investors and borrowers, seemingly providing an attractive alternative (phương pháp thay thế) to traditional lending mechanisms (cơ cấu). Built for the new age, could this be the way forward for securities lending and repo markets?

Beneficial owners, including pension (trợ cấp) funds, asset managers and insurance companies could reap the rewards of P2P lending. After the financial crisis of 2008, a credit crunch left many at a loss with lending activity from financial institutions declining significantly.

With oil and natural gas prices back from their 2020 lows, the credit crunch for U.S. oil and gas firms has subsided (rút xuống), and producers are reporting positive income and cash flows, fewer bankruptcies (phá sản) and better rates for borrowing. The risk of U.S. producers defaulting on loans has dropped by 88% on average since the oil crash in March of last year, according to S&P Global Market Intelligence's market signal probability of default tool.

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