Cái gì cơ?

nam giới nói năng lúng búng (nói lầm bầm) lại khiến phụ nữ turn-on hơn...
Photo by Renate Vanaga on Unsplash.

Scientists with the American Institute of Physics say males who speak less clearly (or mumble) tend to be more attractive to the opposite sex because women see it as a sign of masculinity (nam tính). Conversely, men find precise pronunciation alluring because it signifies femininity.

Researchers say the findings, published in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, back evolutionary (tiến hóa) theories.

“From a sexual selection (lựa chọn giới tính) standpoint (quan điểm, góc nhìn), males with traits (nét tiêu biểu, đặc điểm) that are slightly more masculine than average are typically preferred, which in this context would make males with less clear speech more attractive”.

Bài trước: Vừa phải thôi
Tags: marriage

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