"Move within earshot" nghĩa là gì?

"Move within earshot" = di chuyển trong tầm nghe -> nghĩa là di chuyển trong khoảng cách đủ gần để nghe, thấy rõ người khác.

Ví dụ
When armies clash (va chạm), you’ll have the opportunity to give the orders in formation-based 3D tactical battles. While these might look a little like old Total War dust-ups, Grand Tactician makes you think about things a military commander in 1862 would have had to consider: is the unit you’re trying to move within earshot of a bugle (tù và) call, or will you have to send a messenger on horseback? Does William Tecumseh Sherman hate my guts at the moment? Why are my clothes so itchy?

We already celebrate that people of all ages have discovered a personal advent (mùa vọng). We take time to join with The Salvation Army band as they play Christmas carols. It is a pleasure to see the change in people's faces as they move within earshot.

With some young couples snapping up Highland Park bungalows (nhà gỗ một tầng) and others eager to sell their cars and move within earshot of L.A. Live, such a synthesis just may be happening.

Ngọc Lân

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