"The done thing" nghĩa là gì?

"The done thing" -> nghĩa là cách hành xử hợp chuẩn mực xã hội. 

Ví dụ
People, it’s the done thing and in Holywood you’ll pick up some cracking pieces in any number of charity (từ thiện) shops - where you’ll not only be saving clothes from landfill but supporting a range of causes as well.

When I’m stressed, overheated, have a headache or just have really tired eyes, I always reach for a cold, wet towel or flannel to hold over my face. It seems to be the done thing, as a lot of my friends practice the same routine too. When times get tough, a good ol’ cold compress is the answer.

I experienced the start of gaming season in a year in which time is essentially meaningless (vô giá trị). It led to me playing a lot of games in rapid succession, and I didn't like it. Yet I often see it suggested that for many people, this is the done thing.

While boring on about the old days is the done thing, in truth these streets have a restless soul: on Dean, Greek and Frith, almost every week a new restaurant seems to appear with a PR’d flourish (thịnh vượng).

Ngọc Lân

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