Thị trường là máy nghe

nếu không cảnh giác, một số tập đoàn (độc quyền) tạo lock in khiến các lựa chọn của ta ít dần và biến mất...
via Seth's blog,

It’s the most resilient (mau phục hồi, kiên cường), most granular technique available for us to figure out what people want.

When individuals have the freedom to choose, they often do.

At the same time that markets enable choice, large-scale industrial capitalism (chủ nghĩa tư bản công nghiệp quy mô lớn) works overtime to remove it. The main job of most big company CEOs is to figure out how to lock in customers, because customers without choices stick around longer and pay more.

Some organizations exist to satisfy market demand (thỏa mãn nhu cầu thị trường).

Some work hard to create market demand (tạo nhu cầu thị trường).

And some are focused on capturing demand and then eliminating the market (xóa bỏ thị trường) itself.

The internet has created changes in both directions. We have dramatically more choice when it comes to ways to spend/waste our time, but we also have to deal with the natural monopolies (độc quyền) created by the network effect (hiệu ứng mạng lưới) and the hidden levers that drive toward lock in.

If we’re not alert, many of the choice-driven markets we depend on will disappear (biến mất).

Tags: skill

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