"Conscience money" nghĩa là gì?

"Conscience money" = tiền lương tâm -> nghĩa là số tiền tự nguyện bỏ ra để bù đắp những sai lầm từng phạm phải, thường là tiền nộp bù cho các lần trốn thuế.

Ví dụ
"The money goes into the general Government of Canada coffers (kho bạc), for the Receiver General [for] Canada, and what is also unusual, and this is an unusual case, is there's a revenue (thu nhập) code, under which we have to identify the payment, and that revenue code is called 'conscience money.'"

A mystery donor handed over €32,000 to tax collectors with a note identifying it as “conscience money”. The cheque (tờ séc) was one of several anonymous (ẩn danh) payments received by Revenue, the Irish tax authority, over the past three years, totalling €62,562.

Previously, I had termed this assistance “conscience money”, which Caribbean mendicant (ăn xin) governments have accepted in exchange for not legally challenging the EU’s denunciation (tố cáo) of the SP. Readers should recall the EU had cynically denounced the SP when it no longer served its interests, although the SP was framed as a treaty of “indefinite duration”, which could not be unilaterally denounced.

Like most airlines, Ryanair enables customers to donate conscience money to offset (bù đắp) the environmental impact of their flight; 98 per cent haven’t bothered. Over the past two years, 2 per cent have donated €2.5m. 

Ngọc Lân

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