"Cradle-robber" nghĩa là gì?

"Cradle-robber" = kẻ cướp nôi -> nghĩa là người kết hôn hoặc quan hệ tình dục với người trẻ hơn rất nhiều.

Ví dụ
Here is the kicker: He is 28. I haven’t even allowed myself to truly consider going out with him until now. I don’t want to be considered a cougar or a cradle robber.

His shirt reads lao niu and hers reads neng cao, which literally translates to 'old cow' and 'tender grass' — it basically means Nick is a cradle robber. Truth is, Hong Ling's only five years younger than Nick though the shirts would definitely be a conversation (cuộc noi chuyện) starter at a relative's place.

But, Soman has already been called a paedophile (người có khoái cảm tình dục với trẻ con) by some, sugar daddy by a few others, and it has been insinuated (ám chỉ) several times that he is essentially a cradle robber for dating someone so much younger than him.

That didn’t mean that they admired (ấn tượng) or protected the princess, though. When the photos surfaced, tabloid headlines skewered Margaret as a cradle robber who spent the public’s money partying.

Ngọc Lân

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