"In the Common Era" nghĩa là gì?

"In the Common Era" -> nghĩa là trong giai đoạn chúa Jesus ra đời, lịch của Cơ Đốc giáo bắt đầu tính năm Công nguyên.

Ví dụ
Initially, the concept was introduced (giới thiệu) in the Middle Ages (between the 5th and late 15 century in the Common Era) and up to the last century. It is most commonly used on the street side of the building, but can also be used internally in a courtyard.

However, the Charvakas, the real philosophers (triết gia) of ancient India, said the very same thing at the beginning of the Common Era, in their foundational text called the Charvaka Sutra, written by a Sage called Brihaspati.

Earth is likely hotter now than it has been at any moment since the beginning of the last Ice Age, 125,000 years ago, and the world has warmed 1.1 degrees Celsius, or nearly 2 degrees Fahrenheit, since the Industrial Revolution began—an “unprecedented” and “rapid” (nhanh chóng) change with no parallel in the Common Era.

Furthermore, the spatial (không gian) coherence (gắn kết với nhau) that does exist over the preindustrial (thời kì tiền công nghiệp) Common Era is consistent with the spatial coherence of stochastic climatic variability.

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