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uống bia/rượu giúp giảm nguy cơ 'rối loạn cương dương'...
IT may be hard to believe but drinking alcohol actually boosts potency (khả năng giao cấu, không liệt dương).

Men will be rejoicing (vui mừng, hân hoan, hoan hỉ) after a study found moderate boozing slashed the risk of erectile ­dysfunction (rối loạn cương dương) by nearly a fifth compared to teetotallers (người bài rượu, người chống uống rượu; người kiêng rượu hoàn toàn)

It runs contrary to the commonly held idea that alcohol causes “brewer’s droop” in amorous (đa tình, si tình, say đắm) fellas.

Experts think a drink raises nitric oxide levels, which widens blood vessels and improves circulation — crucial for a solid performance.

The global study analysed data on more than 210,000 men and the impact of alcohol on their erections.

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Tags: beersex


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