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bị giữ xe, gã đàn ông say rượu nói với csgt là con trai 4 tuổi lái :D

The Gillette News Record reports when law enforcement (thực thi pháp luật) approached (tiếp

cận) an unidentified (không xác định) 39-year-old motorist in the northwest part of the state, he exited his pickup truck along with his 15-year-old son and the toddler. Cops claim that man then told them the younger boy was sitting on his lap and steering as the trio made their way down Wilson Way.

The adult in the vehicle was reportedly on probation for a previous DUI arrest. Police say the man had been drinking and also charge that he refused a field sobriety tests and a Breathalyzer.

Police arrested the motorist on suspicion of DUI as well as violating his probation and driving without a court-ordered interlock device. A blood sample was taken after his arrest to determine (xác định) whether the man was intoxicated (say rượu).

Tags: beer


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