"Muck-raking" nghĩa là gì?

"Muck-raking" -> nghĩa là (thu thập thông tin) xấu/không tốt về người khác và hủy hoại danh tiếng của họ.

Ví dụ
Despite the inherently (vốn đã) apolitical (phi chính trị) nature of the Expo, there are some who tried to rake up (đào bới) politics. Some wire agency journalists visited the pavilions of some politically-troubled countries and tried to see the signs of the unrest that had been rocking their nations. This, I believe, is a futile exercise at political muck raking.

This, by far, the most logical of the presented replies. It’s likely not PAX, itself, that was behind this muck raking operation but a third party cyber attack utilizing (tận dụng) vulnerabilities of bad code – or, perhaps, even intentionally designed data gathering hardware/code in the systems that was being utilized by a third party without PAX’s knowledge or approval.

Anti-vax crusaders like the stupid misogynist Tucker Carlson on rabble-rousing, muck-raking Fox News cause their rich country to store vaccines until expiry (hết hạn) for their viewers until they come around or just die. 

“Their so-called votes can be had using social media and muck-raking catch phrases like, “I can’t breathe” or “A total witch hunt.”  Or other phrases like “Stop the steal”, “The election is rigged,” or “The media is a disgrace.”

Ngọc Lân

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