"Damsel in distress" nghĩa là gì?

"Damsel in distress" -> nghĩa là cô gái đang gặp nạn, cần được giúp đỡ.

Ví dụ
This unusual decision (quyết định) allowed the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise to steer clear of predictable (dễ đoán) plots wherein a wily femme fatale or helpless damsel in distress would require Jack’s assistance in each new movie. 

Elizabeth Swann is the heroine (nữ anh hùng) of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise and has one of the best arcs when it comes to character development. Starting as the damsel in distress who feared pirates, she ended up as a fierce warrior who could hold her own against anyone.

Roundhill once again makes for the most formidable damsel in distress, and I adore her rendition of "Come Out to the Coast". Simply stunning.

“The Eternals” and other movies within the franchise — which attempt to experiment with breaking (phá vỡ) the Marvel formula — are always going to face criticism from hardcore fans wanting a white male superhero and damsel in distress plot line.

Ngọc Lân

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