"None of your business" nghĩa là gì?

"None of your business" -> nghĩa là không phải việc của bạn/mày, đừng tham gia, chõ mũi vào.

Ví dụ
Don’t be surprised if they act defensive (cảnh giác), or maybe even get angry. People are often embarrassed to admit to, or talk about, their mistakes. They may even tell you these things are none of your business. If they do, that’s fine.

“Don’t ever ask any woman about her uterus (tử cung). It’s none of your business why I don’t have kids yet,” Dr. Tasha Coleman, 45, told The Post, referring to the incessant (không ngừng) inquiries she and other childfree women receive after deciding to postpone or completely forgo motherhood. 

She came towards me smiling with open arms, her white teeth gleaming (trắng bóng). Not known for restraint, I asked her the nervy question, “Are you vaccinated?” It would be within her purview to say, “None of your business,” but instead I got a dose of the language of vaccine hesitancy — which lately, according to conspiracy sites like QAon, is over-flowing with words about wellness, pleas not to judge, injunctions to stay open-minded and go for self-empowerment since the government not now and never has been trustworthy. 

Ngọc Lân

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