"What have you been up to" nghĩa là gì?

"What have you been up to" = how are you -> nghĩa là tình hình sao rồi, dạo này sao rồi. 

Ví dụ
Aside from working on this partnership, what have you been up to at home over the last few months? Okay my favorite show ever is The Crown. I mean, there are so many other ones I’ve been watching lately including Colin Kaepernick’s [Colin] in Black and White. But The Crown – I loved season four.

Did I want to see these people, my friends, or had the pandemic curdled (làm đông lại) our relationships to the point where we no longer had anything to say beyond the shiverly, “So what have you been up to?”

I recently hosted (tổ chức) a school reunion in North Carolina, and it was fun to ask individuals, “What have you been up to for the past 30 years?”

On Nov. 11, 1996, just days after he lost his bid for the presidency, Bob Dole appeared on the “Late Show with David Letterman.” Letterman and the crowd greeted (chào đón) him with smiles and loud applause. Letterman’s first question was straight: “Bob, what have you been doing lately?” Dole smiled. “Apparently (rõ ràng), not enough!”

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