"Cheesed off" nghĩa là gì?

"Cheesed off" -> nghĩa là cáu gắt, khó chịu.

Ví dụ
Many of the social media reactions to emerge (nổi lên) after the leaks have been tongue-in-cheek and chuckle-worthy, knowingly riffing on the fandom’s notorious prickliness. But even the good-natured goofs underscore the fact that there’s a vocal minority of “hardcore” fans who are determined to be cheesed off about literally everything Game Freak and The Pokémon Company touches.

It is not surprising that the Swiss are unhappy (yes, cheesed off) about this situation. It’s not that they don’t want to send their cheese abroad  — 77,000 tonnes of it are exported each year, representing a market of approximately (vào khoảng) 694 million francs.

Swiss dairy (sản phẩm bơ sữa) producers are cheesed off after an American court ruled ‘Gruyere cheese’ does not have to come from the Gruyères region in order to bear the name. 

The reporter was just doing his job but you’re not going to catch a wily old fox like Moyes out when it comes to asking about another club’s player. And it is easy to see why he was a touch cheesed off.

Ngọc Lân

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