"Moon crickets" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Prescott Horn

"Moon crickets" = những chú dế dưới ánh trăng -> nghĩa là xúc phạm người da đen thời làm nô lệ, họ hay ra ngoài buổi tối và hát những bài về người nô lệ dưới ánh trăng.

Ví dụ
“Precisely why I don't watch NFL bunch of f**** over paid greasy headed moon crickets expecting everything for nothing!!

Dj. Mercilless of the moon crickets should do the next Wu album. The moon crickets are from Canada. They're associated with Killah Priest.

In May the user took part in a discussion, which appears to have been deleted, and described someone as a “nigger” before asking: “Explain to me why a weekend doesn’t go by where 80 of you fucking moon crickets aren’t shooting each other down in Shitcago [Chicago]? Why you dumb fucking nignogs can’t attend a rap concert without someone being shot up?”

Ka Tina

Tags: katinaword

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