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In the past week, Broome Veterinary Hospital has treated a number of drunk red-winged parrots after they have consumed ethanol as a result of eating fallen fruit.

Broome veterinarian, Paul Murphy, said several lucky birds had been brought into the clinic.

“So far, we've seen about half a dozen in total, but there are a lot of them, unfortunately, that don't make it to the clinic because they pass away before people find them,” he said.

“Usually, they've been suffering for a couple of days.

"That's generally when people are able to pick them up and catch them. They're quite lethargic (hôn mê, ngủ lịm, lờ phờ) and at various stages of malnutrition (kém dinh dưỡng, thiếu ăn).”

The local veterinarian said it was not just alcohol that was killing the parrots, but their "drunken behaviour"’

"We’re hearing a few reports of flying into windows and sitting on the floor, not being able to fly and being vulnerable to cats and other predators (thú săn mồi),”

Bài trước: Thế giới hoan ca
Tags: beer

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