Nhận thức là một quá trình

sau một thập kỷ nổi loạn, thanh niên china giờ gỡ bỏ hình xăm để lấy vợ, kiếm việc...
Yang Yanmiao winces (nhăn mặt, cau mày) as he watches the Picosecond laser burn into his forearm (cẳng tay). He’s 40 minutes into his tattoo removal session, and the anesthetic (thuốc tê, thuốc gây mê) is beginning to wear off (mất tác dụng). He frowns and takes a deep drag (rít sâu) from his cigarette (thuốc lá).

“It really f****** hurts,” he says.

The 29-year-old has come to Beijing’s Bobo Tattoo Studio to have a sleeve design covering his entire left lower arm erased. It will be a long, painful process requiring multiple sessions, but Yang has resolved (quyết chí) to grin (cười toe toét) and bear it. It’s an essential step toward getting a good job, he says.

“My wife gave me three tasks: find a job, quit smoking, and get my tattoos removed,” says Yang.

Many Chinese millennials are doing the same thing. Tattoo removals are becoming a common choice for a generation that has rejected (chối bỏ) centuries-old prejudices (định kiến) against body art — only to realize the rest of the country doesn’t plan to follow their lead.

Tattoo culture has exploded in popularity in China over the past decade, as young people have embraced the art form as a fashion statement and form of self-expression.

Bài trước: Bớt bớt đi
Tags: china

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