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các nhà khoa học nói 'một cốc rượu mỗi ngày tốt cho sức khỏe' là thông tin sai lệch, chỉ để bán nhiều rượu mà thôi...

In a new policy briefing, the organisation said it wanted to “challenge the widespread notion” that drinking moderate amounts of alcohol can decrease the risk of heart disease and called for urgent action to tackle the global rise in deaths caused by drinking.

Monika Arora, member of WHF’s advocacy committee and co-author of the briefing, said: “The portrayal of alcohol as necessary for a vibrant social life has diverted attention from the harms of alcohol use, as have the frequent and widely publicised claims that moderate drinking, such as a glass of red wine a day, can offer protection against cardiovascular disease (bệnh tim mạch).

“These claims are at best misinformed (thông tin sai lệch) and at worst an attempt by the alcohol industry to mislead the public about the danger of their product.” It comes after the Royal College of Psychiatrists warned earlier this week that millions of Britons are causing themselves “silent harm” through hazardous (mạo hiểm, nguy hiểm) drinking.

Tags: beer


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