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ngủ gục bên tay lái sau khi uống... 35 lon bia corona...

Kevin Omar Garcia, 27, of Ocala, was slumped (sụp xuống, ngồi sụp xuống) over the wheel (tay lái) of his white pickup when he was found at about 8 p.m. Saturday at the intersection (chỗ giao nhau) of Winners Circle and Griffin View Drive. The vehicle was in drive and the keys were in the ignition (khóa còn cắm ở ổ).

An officer loudly knocked on the truck’s window “numerous times,” but the native of Honduras did not wake up, the report said. Garcia eventually awoke and turned off the truck. He told police he had been drinking alcohol at a friend’s house and was tired so he pulled over to the side of the road. He was asked how much he’d had to drink and estimated he had consumed “35 bottles” of Corona beer.

Bài trước: Còn hơn bia 0 độ
Tags: beer


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