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harry và meghan bị dân mạng phản đối vì đặt tên chó là pula, dịch ra tiếng romania là... cặc
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have found themselves in the face of criticism once more but this time from Twitter users in Romania.

While the couple intended on naming their Labrador after the currency (tiền) in Botswana, they failed to realise that meanings change across varying languages.

"Surely someone in their group would have Googled Pula to ensure it wasn’t Romanian for [expletive]?" one user wrote.

Meanwhile, Marie Claire reported that the name also translates to 'rain' in Setswana, which is a language spoken in Botswana, and is thought to be a blessing (hạnh phúc, điều sung sướng, sự may mắn) due to its rarity (hiếm).

Bài trước: Jesus cũng thế mà
Tags: sex


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