"Chocolate rain" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Didi Miam

"Chocolate rain" = mưa sô-cô-la (tên bài hát gốc của Youtuber tên Tay Zonday, đã trở thành một meme được lan truyền vào năm 2007 nhờ các trang web như 4chan và Digg) -> nghĩa là thể hiện sự phân biệt chủng tộc trong cơ quan/tổ chức.

Ví dụ
*Know Your Meme caught up with Tay Zonday to look back at his viral sensation, “Chocolate Rain,” and what he’s been up to since. The video, with 130 million views and counting, was written and performed by Zonday. The song, with lyrics about as straightforward as you can get, has been heavily parodied (nhái lại), remixed and eventually led to his appearances on a number of talk shows. He was even parodied on “South Park.”

Tay made no secret of the fact that ‘Chocolate Rain’ was written as a metaphor for the institutional racism suffered by African-Americans in the U.S. The lyrics in between that meme-ready refrain made this pretty clear to those who would look beyond the surface:
Chocolate Rain Some stay dry and others feel the pain
Chocolate Rain
A baby born will die before the sin

I always say, the question is more important than the answer. I sing about what I can't talk about. I sing because there are things I cannot speak. I think it takes away from what I sing and the musicality and the moment of the music to be verbally polemic, and to give verbal footnotes, as in "This should mean this, and this." We live in a society with an epidemic of declaratives and a poverty of interrogatives, and I think that part of the lasting appeal of "Chocolate Rain" is that question perhaps being allowed to be an interrogative. What is the meaning of "Chocolate Rain?" Some people deduce that it might have a political message or a message about social justice or power, and what I would say is that there are people who would not want to receive a polemic message on those topics, but if they can be brought from not having an interrogative to being in a state of interrogative, questioning, "What is the meaning of Chocolate Rain," I think that's a fantastic outcome.

Ka Tina

Tags: katinaword

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