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nga xâm lược ukraine khiến giá bia tăng... :D


Ukraine is a major producer of a key beer ingredient: Barley (lúa mạch).

"Ukraine accounts for about 20% of beer's usage of barley. It's one of the top five global producers of barley, so brewers, particularly at a global level, will be watching the supply and price of barley," said Jim McGreevy, president and CEO of the Beer Institute.

Molson Coors, which brews Milwaukee's Miller beer and other major brewers, have, so far, been able to absorb the higher costs.

"So we have a real focus on the consumer — and that goes into how we price the beer," McGreevy said.

Craft brewers say shoppers who buy their beer at grocery stores are very price-conscious (nhạy cảm về giá) and so brewers are being very careful about how much they can pass along higher costs.

Tags: beerukraine


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