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không phải con đầu tiên về đích chiến thắng đâu,

theo nghiên cứu năm 2020, trứng chọn tinh trùng để thụ tinh... :D
We often have heard that sperm (tinh trùng) from semen (tinh dịch) race (chạy đua) towards the egg (trứng) to enable fertilisation (thụ tinh, thụ thai), with the fastest and fittest sperm winning the lottery (trúng xổ số). However, a study from 2020 highlighted that it isn't the sperm that rushes to claim its first position, it’s in fact the egg that chooses (lựa chọn) which one gets to win

This is according to a study conducted by researchers from Stockholm University and Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust. They've found that eggs use chemical signals (tín hiệu hóa học) to choose the sperm.

Different women’s eggs attract different men’s sperms and that doesn’t have to be their partner’s (không nhất thiết là bạn đời).

John Fitzpatrick, an associate professor at Stockholm University said that human eggs tend to release chemicals dubbed chemoattractants that attract sperm to unfertilised eggs. They wanted to know if eggs use these chemicals to pick which sperm they attract.

They looked at how sperm responded to follicular (có nang) fluid -- fluid that surrounds eggs and contains sperm chemoattractants. They were looking to find if follicular fluids from different females attracted sperm from some males more than others.

Bài trước: Khờ quá
Tags: sciencesex


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