Đến lúc sạc điện cho xe rồi

màn hình tại điểm sạc điện ở Isle of Wight bị hack và chiếu phim sex... :)

Screens (màn hình) on devices (thiết bị) at the council’s car parks are meant to show its website, but some featured explicit images instead.

A council spokesman said: “We are saddened to learn that a third-party web address displayed on our electric vehicle (EV) signage appears to have been hacked.

“A council officer will be visiting the EV signage today and tomorrow to ensure the third-party web address is covered up.

“The council would like to apologise to anyone that may have found the inappropriate (không thích hợp) web content (nội dung), and for any inconvenience from chargepoints out of action.”

Tags: sex


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