Có giết luôn cũng không ai kết tội

mang toàn bộ dàn máy tính chơi game vào bệnh viện chăm vợ đẻ... :))
The birth of a child is an exciting time for many couples - but it can also be a very long and strenuous (đòi hỏi cố gắng lớn, căng thẳng, vất vả) process.

One dad-to-be came up with a solution (giải pháp) to pass the time - playing on his gaming console - and it caused quite the stir online.

Preempting how long it could take for his son or daughter to arrive, the man in question decided to bring his entire gaming system to the hospital while his partner Amber was in labour for 21 hours.

Amber shared footage of her partner with her back to her, headphones on, playing a shooting game on her TikTok ( @amberscxtt ) in a video that has had 1.6 million views.

"My boyfriend brought his entire gaming system to the hospital during my 21-hour long induction," she wrote over the top of the video.

Bài trước: Vỡ mật nhanh thế
Tags: marriage


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